The Science of Data Acquisition I

Milsat Technologies
2 min readAug 20, 2021


For any project, either intending or ongoing, resource gathering and data quality is vital to the final output to be derived. Notably, anyone can acquire data but highlighting the right parameters for acquisition, their consequent indicators, and the methodology that guarantees maximum precision remains the distinguishing factor in any data acquisition process.

An error-free data sets the tone for precise final information. Thus, the emphasis has to be on data acquisition accuracy.

At the kernel of any project’s decision-making, is the decision about the data set to be used and the acquisition methods. For a project that intends to generate primary data through field processes or questionnaires, a clearly defined routine of acquisition has to be created. On the other hand, projects that source secondary data through the review of existing records and research are required to define the approach of utilization to maintain homogeneity.

Data acquisition simply describes the process of sampling real-world physical conditions or existing data to extract vital parameters that can be read, queried, and analyzed through special applications on a computer or other systems.

Furthermore, since more attention is being paid to geographic technologies, acquiring accurate data becomes sacrosanct. Acquiring geographic data is an important factor in any geographic information system (GIS) effort. It has been estimated that data acquisition typically consumes 60 to 80 percent of the time and money spent on any given project. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that GIS projects remain mindful of their stated goals so the collection of spatial data proceeds in an efficient and effective manner as possible. Geographic or spatial data can be acquired through primary or secondary sources depending on data availability or project structure

The huge volumes of data sets available today have spurred a lot of actions and questions about data acquisition. These questions include;

  1. What are the techniques for primary data acquisition?
  2. What are the competent methods of secondary data sourcing?
  3. What are the parameters to be considered to achieve efficient data acquisition?
  4. The consistent effort to provide great answers to these questions has helped shape the evolution of the data acquisition process.



Milsat Technologies

We design and develop geospatial solutions that make data acquisition and access easy for businesses and groups in Africa